Can You Hear Me? -- Choosing the Right Microphone for my Telehealth Practice
When it comes to your telehealth practice, choosing the right technology is quite important! Technology malfunctions can cause hiccups during healthcare appointments and faulty audio devices can cause practitioners to miss critical information. Recently, TCI CEO Raymond Barrett reviewed the pros/cons of various microphones he utilizes while practicing telemental health.
The first device reviewed was the SHURE MV5 microphone. The SHURE MV5 plugs in using a USB cord with ease. This microphone is smaller, allowing for user convenience. We recommend that it be used with a desktop stand. The sound is fantastic and the microphone allows for little background noise, which makes this a great option for speaking in virtual conferences.
The next device reviewed was the Blue Yeti. This device has two knobs. One knob adjusts where the microphone picks up sound from, and one knob adjusts the gain which impacts hearing reverberation on the microphone.
The third device reviewed was the Logitech C922 Pro. This is a webcam with a microphone. The sound quality is not as clear as the previously mentioned microphones, however, this microphone is convenient and easily accessible on the go!
The next device reviewed was the BEARTWO Bluetooth headset. This microphone is built into earbuds, which makes it great for confidential appointments. Another bonus of the BEARTWO Bluetooth earbuds is their long-lasting charge.
Another microphone reviewed was the Movo microphone. This microphone produces quality sound at an affordable price. The extended cable on the microphone allows for movement across spaces as the small microphone easily attaches to a shirt lapel.
Finally, the Logitech headset is a high-quality, noise-cancelling headset. This headset has a wireless option and produces crisp, clear sound. This particular headset (one of many types of Logitech headphones) works great for confidential appointments and eliminating distracting background noises.
Choosing the best technology is an important way to meet the needs of your telehealth clients. Considering your budget, privacy needs, and the limits of the technology-- choose the microphone that is the best fit for you/ your practice. Doing so can help you avoid distractions and ensure an optimal experience for all.
By: Jessica Sweigert