Provide the Best TeleHealth Services
We have the expertise and experience to guide you through the full process of launching or improving a successful telehealth program.

Our consultation services will help you:
Save Time
Reduce Risk
Ensure Compliance
Increase Your Profitability Through Strategic Marketing
Improve Your Clients Experience
We can assist you through all or some of the phases of launching a telehealth program, helping you...
- Assess for needs and readiness
- Identify potential issues and solutions
- Review your business plan and budget
- Identify staffing needs and necessary qualifications
- Engage and collaborate with sites and organizations beneficial to your particular telehealth practice
- Create a road map and set implementation dates
- Choose, acquire, and configure technology
- Conduct a risk analysis of the technology for HIPAA compliance, privacy, security, data retention, and technology failures
- Create a risk management plan for the technology selected
- Assist with device and cloud management
- Audit telehealth locations
- Create policies, procedures, user guides, consent forms, and emergency management plans for each site
- Train clinicians and support staff
- Test and implement telehealth services
- Schedule clients
- Implement and optimize service delivery
- Evaluate the service delivery and make recommendations
Hourly Consultation Fees
For Individual Providers
For Organizations and Group Practices
TeleHealth Project Fees
Schedule an initial call with Ray in order to create a quote for your project. Please fill out this request form and a member of our staff will call you within two business days.
Call us to discuss your unique needs and how we can help you!