Express Gratitude for Free CE Events


Telehealth Certification Institute provides free CE training opportunities for behavioral health clinicians as one way of "giving back" to our community and expressing our sincere thanks for all that you do by serving others, especially during the pandemic.

We truly appreciate that you are a part of the TCI community and want to remind you of three ways that you can continue to support our Free CE Webinar Events: 
  • Register and attend events 
  • Share training opportunities regularly with your network and colleagues 
  • Contribute any desired amount to show your gratitude 
How to contribute:
  1. Click on the link above
  2. Enter the amount you wish to contribute in the blank box.
  3. Select "Add to Cart" and complete the checkout process to finalize your contribution.

Thank you for your continued support
We look forward to seeing you at our next training event!

No goods or services are given in exchange for your contribution
