View Information About Our Courses
- 26 Ways to Protect Your License
- AAT Overview and Experiential Examples
- Accounting and Tax Basics for Private Practice
- Addressing the Trauma of Public Health Emergencies Experienced by First Responders
- Anti-Racist Telehealth Practices for Racial/Ethnic Trauma Healing
- Applying The Empowerment Curriculum Model to Benefit Clients
- Assessment and Diagnosis of Mental Health Conditions in Clients with Chronic Pain Biopsychosocial Considerations
- Behavioral Health Clinicians and Good Faith Estimates
- Best Practices for Telebehavioral Health Documentation in Couple and Family Therapy
- Birds Eye View and Wise Mind: Combining Ecotherapy, AAT and Mindfulness
- Boundary Issues and Dual Relationships in Telehealth
- Building Effective Mental Health Supervision
- Clinical Documentation with Children and Adolescents Treatment, Risks, and Ethics
- Clinician's Use of Online Forums and Social Media
- Coloring Inside the Lines: Applying Ethical Considerations to Telemental Health Practice
- Courage and Jungian Play Therapy
- Creating A Vision: Supervising Family Therapists To See The How
- Disenfranchised Grief Acknowledging the Immigrant Experience and Grief in Diverse Cultures
- Distinctions in Social Work Supervision
- Documentation for Supervisors
- DSM-5-TR Updates
- E-Therapy and Telehealth: Ethics, Application, and Clinical Practice
- Eating Disorders Certificate Program
- Eating Disorders: Etiological Factors, Assessment & Diagnosis
- Engaging BIPOC Communities Effectively Using Telehealth
- Ethical & Moral Junctions in Behavioral Healthcare
- Ethical Considerations of Hosting Interns and Supervisees
- Ethical Courage: Accessing Your Ethical Super Powers
- Ethical Guidelines for Utilizing Play Therapy During the Supervision Process
- Ethical Issues for Mandated Reporters of Child Maltreatment
- Ethical Obligations: Boundaries, Confidentiality and Mandated Reporting
- Ethics and Risk Management in Telehealth
- Ethics for Supervisors
- Etiology, Assessment and Diagnosis of OCD
- Evidence-Based Treatment Approaches for Eating Disorders
- Evidence-Based Treatments for OCD
- Exploring Professional Responses to Child Neglect
- Exploring the Ethics of Confidentiality
- Expressive Arts and Play Therapy for Supervision
- Facilitating Wellness & Resiliency Approaches for Military Life: Telehealth Services
- Family Systems Theory
- Fostering Clinical Confidence in Your Supervisees
- Fostering Counselor Development Utilizing a Social Justice Lens in Supervision
- Foundations of Supervision: Preparing for Effective Supervision
- Foundations of Telemental Health
- Foundations for Working With Families Engaged in High Conflict Divorce
- Grief Counseling Certificate Program
- Grief Support Group Facilitator
- Helping Families Support LGBTQIA+ Youth
- Helping Your Clients Cope with Divorce and Separation
- Hospice Behavioral Health 101
- How Clinical Supervisors Can Adjust Their Evaluative Lens by Understanding the “Zone of Proximal Development”
- How Mindset and Marketing Catapult Success in Private Practice
- Identifying and Treating Compassion Fatigue in Healthcare Professionals
- Integrating Chronic Pain into Mental Health Treatment Evidence-Based Strategies and Language for Holistic Care
- Integrating the Art of Writing into Your Clinical Practice
- Intellectual Disability Counseling Training Certificate
- Interdisciplinary Supervision: Fostering Collaborative Practice and Professional Growth
- Introduction to Eating Disorder Treatment
- Introduction to OCD Treatment
- It’s Complicated: Ethical Issues, Maintaining Factors and Barriers to Treating Eating Disorders
- It’s Complicated: Special Considerations for Supervising Clinicians Treating Eating Disorders
- It’s Not Just Your Name on the Line: How Your Contract Supports Compliance and Standards in Clinical Supervision
- Law, Ethics and Criteria for ESA and Service Animals
- LEGO®-Based Play Therapy Techniques
- LGBTQIA+ Certificate Program
- LGBTQIA+ Inclusion in Healthcare – Clinical Practice and Ethical Issues
- LGBTQIA+ Inclusion in Healthcare – Fundamentals of Working With LGBTQIA+ Individuals
- Making the Tough Call: Exploring the Ethics of Mandated Reporting through the Lens of Racial & Social Justice
- Making the Tough Call: Legal and Ethical Issues Related to the Decision to Report Suspected Child Maltreatment
- Managing Depression: Raising Energy, Improving Cognition
- Managing Your Supervision Group
- Mandated Reporter Training Certificate
- Methods of Supervision
- Mindful Self-Compassion Fundamental Concepts and Skills
- Models of Clinical Supervision
- Motivational Interviewing Training Certificate
- Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Understanding Nutritional, Medical and Psychiatric Aspects of Treating Eating Disorders
- Navigating Licensure Supervision Within an Organization
- OCD Counseling Certificate
- One Screen, Many Faces: Creating Space For Working with Couples and Families Via Telehealth
- Opening Up Your Therapy Notes: An Orientation and Pragmatic Guide to Practice
- Opiate Use Disorder Treatment: a SUD Counselor’s Guide
- Play Therapy for School-Related Anxiety, School Phobia, and School Refusal
- Play Therapy Supervision
- Preparing Mental Health Professionals for Legal System Involvement
- Preparing Supervisees for TeleMental Health
- Promoting Mental Health and Wellness in Older Adulthood
- Race, Power, and Privilege: Addressing Cross Cultural Dynamics in Supervision
- Racial & Cultural Diversity
- Racial Justice & Community Restoration
- Recognizing and Responding to Behavioral Addictions
- Reflective Supervision Enhancing Professional Practice and Mental Well-Being
- Resilience Enhancement and Leadership Model (REALM)
- Rolling with the Punches: Equipping Your Supervisees to Navigate Setbacks
- Sexual Trauma, Grief, and Interventions
- Social Work Telehealth Competencies
- Special Considerations: Trauma-Informed, Individualized, and Culturally Sensitive Treatment for OCD
- Substance Use Disorder Treatment for the Family and the Use of Telehealth
- Supporting Clients who are Grieving due to Racism and Discrimination
- Supportive Supervision and Leadership for Helping Clinicians Heal After Client Suicide
- Systemic Supervision over Telehealth
- Teaching the History of Racist Policy and Resistance in Rochester: A Case Study in Antiracist Curriculum
- Technology in Couple and Family Relationships
- Telehealth and Human Trafficking
- Telehealth and Play-Based Interventions
- Telehealth and Substance Use Disorder
- Telehealth for Clients with Intellectual Disabilities
- Telehealth with Children
- Telemental Health and Psychological Assessments
- Telemental Health Best Practices Overview
- TeleMental Health for Rural America
- Telemental Health Practice and Implications of the Law Across State Lines
- TeleSupervision and TeleConsultation
- The Clinical Supervisor’s Observations for Remediation
- The Empowerment Model of Clinical Supervision: A Modern Model for Private Practice and Community Mental Health
- The Ethical Dance with Gatekeeping: Common Complaints
- The Ethics of Providing Sex Therapy Supervision
- The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy
- The Nuts and Bolts of Clinical Supervision in Groups
- The Power of Connection in Substance Use Treatment
- The Psycho-Educational Evaluation Process via Telehealth
- The Psychosocial Aspects of Pandemics
- The Road to Reconciliation: A Comprehensive Guide to Helping Your Clients Find Peace When Their Relationships Go Bad
- The Telemental Health Supervisor Toolkit
- The Three Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence: Helping People (and ourselves) Find the Balance of Personal Power, Heart & Mindfulness
- Theoretical Frameworks and Models of Clinical Supervision
- Tools to Help Clients Navigate Holiday Grief
- Transcending Empathy Fatigue
- Transcending Empathy Fatigue by Cultivating Empathy Resiliency
- Trauma, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Telehealth
- Trauma-Informed and Trauma-Focused Interventions Using Telehealth With Children, Youth, and Their Families
- Trauma-Informed Online Sandtray Therapy for Children and Youth
- Trauma-Informed Telehealth with Adolescents
- Traumatized Children: Forced Separation of Immigrant Families
- Treating Anxiety in the Aftermath of COVID
- Treating Eating Disorders in the Digital Age
- Understanding and Developing an Effective Clinical Supervision Relationship
- Understanding the Social-Emotional Needs and Helping Students in COVID-19
- Using Experiential Therapy with Telehealth
- Using Inventories and Feedback Measure to Support Supervision
- Using Motivational Interviewing Skills in Supervision
- Using Telemental Health to Treat Juvenile Sex Offenders
- Utilizing Exposure Therapy in the Treatment of OCD
- Utilizing Telehealth in Identifying and Resourcing Trafficking Victims
- Virtual EMDR: Useful, Practical Skills to Assist in a Virtual World
- Virtual Play Therapy Tips
- Walking the Ethical Line in Providing Telemental Health Services
- What A Supervision Session Looks Like
- TeleStroke Facilitator/Presenter/Technician Certificate
- The THTC Certificate
- TeleHealth Director/Manager and Coordinator Certificate
- Telechaplaincy