Enroll in these recorded self-studies and earn the LGBTQIA+ Certificate
Up to 4 CE hours available for behavioral health clinicians

As clinicians, we have an obligation to not only meet our clients where they are at but also advance our areas of competency when we are presented with client needs beyond our existing comfort zones or areas of expertise.  Far too often, LGBTQIA+ clients are referred out to other providers by very well-intentioned clinicians who question whether they have the skill set needed to effectively treat the presenting concerns of LGBTQIA+ individuals.  Let me tell you a little secret…YOU have the capacity to be an informed AND effective clinician for your LGBTQIA+ clients.  It may take some assistance from others to help you advance your clinical skills and increase your comfort, but you CAN do this important work.  And, frankly, this community needs more clinicians who are willing to expand their practice with LGBTQIA+ individuals of all ages.  With the behavioral health needs for LGBTQIA+ individuals at an all time high and access to affirming and safe providers being a top priority for this community, We are excited to offer the LGBTQIA+ Training Certificate Program for clinicians.   Please join us for this 2-part series and join the ranks of clinicians all over the country who are taking these essential steps in developing core competencies for clinical work with LGBTQIA+ individuals.

LGBTQIA+ Certificate 2 Webinar Bundle

Earning a certification, credential, or certificate in a specialty validates your knowledge and expertise and demonstrates your commitment to providing high-quality, evidence-based treatment. Upon completing the program, you'll receive your LGBTQIA+ Training Certificate (LGBTQIA+TC) to be added to your existing credentials.

Select each tab above to view specific details about this course

As clinicians, we must not only meet our clients where they are but also advance our areas of competency when we are presented with client needs beyond our existing comfort zones or areas of expertise. Far too often, LGBTQIA+ clients are referred out to other providers by well-intentioned clinicians who question whether they have the skill set needed to treat the presenting concerns of LGBTQIA+ individuals effectively. Let me tell you a little secret…YOU have the capacity to be an informed AND effective clinician for your LGBTQIA+ clients. It may take some assistance from others to help you advance your clinical skills and increase your comfort, but you CAN do this important work. And frankly, this community needs more clinicians willing to expand their practice with LGBTQIA+ individuals of all ages. With the behavioral health needs for LGBTQIA+ individuals at an all-time high and access to affirming and safe providers being a top priority for this community, we are excited to offer the LGBTQIA+ Training Certificate Program for clinicians. Please join us for this 2-part series and join the ranks of clinicians all over the country who are taking these essential steps in developing core competencies for clinical work with LGBTQIA+ individuals.

This is a non-interactive self-study program, which consists of two individual courses that offer a total of 4+ hours of video training, 2 post-tests and 2 evaluations.
These courses were recorded on October 13, 2022 and November 18, 2022

Upon completion of this training, professionals will be able to do the following:

  • Define terms associated with LGBTQIA+ individuals.
  • Describe how Bias & Microaggression can impact the clinical care of LGBTQIA+ individuals.
  • Respond to LGBTQIA+ patients with empathy and compassion and be best prepared to meet their identified healthcare needs.
  • Explain how the concept of Representation can impact clients seeking services
  • Explain the WPATH standards for clients seeking medical transition services
  • Describe ethical issues that might arise when working with LGBTQIA+ clients

Chris McLaughlin, MSW, LCSW

Chris McLaughlin (he/him/his) is the Executive Director of the Maine Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and the owner of Inspired Consulting Group, LLC. He obtained his BA in Psychology and his MSW from the University of Maine. Chris has spent more than 20+ years as a provider and a leader in behavioral health services for youth and families across a variety of clinical settings. Chris is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maine and Husson University in Bangor.

Additionally, Chris served for four years on the Maine Board of Social Work Licensing and is a member of both the NASW and the Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care (SSWLHC), where he is the current Maine Chapter President, and he is a member of the National Board. Chris holds additional certifications from Cornell University. Nationally, he was SSWLHC’s 2019 recipient of the Eleanor Clark Award and was named Health Care Social Worker of the Year in 2019 by the Maine Hospital Association and the Maine Chapter of the SSWLHC. In 2020, Chris was awarded the Alumni of the Year distinction from the University of Maine School of Social Work.

For organizations seeking further guidance on LGBTQ+ issues, Chris offers a consultation service to walk organizations through essential competencies that move them closer toward being LGBTQ+ affirming providers. You can learn more about Chris’ professional background and interests here.

A total of 4 CE hours can be earned with the completion of the certificate program

Counselors: Telehealth Certification Institute, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No, 6693. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Telehealth Certification Institute, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Telehealth Certification Institute, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0048.

Marriage and Family Therapists: Many MFT licensing boards accept our courses or one of the approvals which we have from professional associations. You can check with your board to determine if this course would be accepted by your licensing board.

Social Workers: Telehealth Certification Institute LLC, #1609, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 05/02/2024 – 05/02/2027. Social workers completing this course receive 4 clinical continuing education credits.

Telehealth Certification Institute, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Social Workers #SW-0435.

Addiction Professionals: Telehealth Certification Institute LLC is an Approved Education Provider for educational credits, NAADAC provider #193104. Telehealth Certification Institute LLC is responsible for all aspects of the programming.

Psychologists: Telehealth Certification Institute LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Telehealth Certification Institute LLC maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Telehealth Certification Institute, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Psychologists #PSY-0128.

Art Therapists: Telehealth Certification Institute, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Creative Arts Therapists #CAT-0093.

Other Professionals: These activities qualify for a total of 240 minutes of instructional content as required by many national, state and local licensing boards and professional organizations.  Retain your certificate of completion and contact your board or organization for specific filing requirements.

This is a non-interactive, self-study course.

To receive your certificate of completion you must complete the course in its entirety.

Online courses are completed by registering, logging in, navigating to your course using the menu (My Courses – the Course Title), completing all of the modules, completing and passing the post-test, and completing the course evaluation. Participants have 6 months from registration to access and complete online self-study courses.

Live Webinar courses are completed by registering, logging in to this website, navigating to your course using the menu (My Courses – the Course Title), attending the full course via webinar, submitting your attendance, and completing the post-test and course evaluation online.

Psychologists and other professionals seeking CE credit through our approval with the American Psychological Association are asked, but not required, to complete the course evaluation before obtaining their certificate of completion, however passing a post-test for online self-study courses and live webinars, and submitting one's attendance for live on-site and live webinars is required.

You can receive your certificate of completion by logging onto this website, navigating to the course using the menu (My Courses – the Course Title), scroll to the bottom of your course, and click on your certificate to either download it or print it.

Directions for completing a course can be found by clicking here.

Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities

Click here to view our Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities.

Cancellation Policy

Refunds are offered within the first 30 days for courses which have not been completed.  There is a 10% service fee for refunds.

Grievance Policy

Click here to view our Grievance Policy.

This course is intended for clinicians who provide behavioral health services.

Teaching methods for this course include recorded lectures, videos, a post-test, and a course evaluation.
This program was recorded October 13, 2022 and November 18, 2022

You have six months to access online courses from the time of purchase.

Christopher McLaughlin headshot

Christopher McLaughlin

Chris McLaughlin, MSW, LCSW, (he/him/his), is the Executive Director of the Maine Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and owner of Inspired Consulting Group, LLC. He obtained his BA in Psychology and his MSW from the University of Maine. Chris has spent more than 20+ years as a provider and a leader in behavioral health services for youth and families across a variety of clinical settings. Chris is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maine and Husson University in Bangor.

Additionally, Chris served for four years on the Maine Board of Social Work Licensing and is a member of both the NASW and the Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care (SSWLHC), where he is the current Maine Chapter President, and he is a member of the National Board. Chris holds additional certifications from Cornell University. Nationally, he was SSWLHC’s 2019 recipient of the Eleanor Clark Award and was named Health Care Social Worker of the Year in 2019 by the Maine Hospital Association and the Maine Chapter of the SSWLHC. In 2020, Chris was awarded the Alumni of the Year distinction from the University of Maine School of Social Work.

For organizations seeking further guidance on LGBTQ+ issues, Chris offers a consultation service to walk organizations through essential competencies that move them closer toward being LGBTQ+ affirming providers. You can learn more about Chris’ professional background and interests here.
