Telehealth Certification Institute

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Ratings, Reviews, and User Testimonials of Our CE Courses

I am glad I took the training. The information is worth every penny, just because it keeps us informed. It provides a good self-check. It has helped me notice some of my outdated practices that could compromise my client's information and my own. And hats off to Ray for not only vigilantly researching ever-changing laws and seeking out the best services. But for being responsive to questions and emails long after the training ends.

Laura (Pagano) Temin

With just short of a year of being involved in telemental health counseling, I have witnessed an exponential growth in my practice, as well as being able to better comply with HIPAA regulations and being fully compliant in both my face to face and telemental health practice.  I wholeheartedly recommend clinicians get their DCC credential by taking Ray's two-day training since it will add to your clinical skills and your growth as a clinician.

Ed Glauser, LPC

It was fantastic! Just the forms he provides are worth the cost of the course!

Mark Wagemaker, LPC, NCC, DCC, CPCS

This was an excellent class and worth my time.  Ray provided great information and is clearly an expert in TMH!

Jennifer Stuckert

I found these courses informative and helpful. They make establishing best practices policies and procedures for telemental health services and supervising those who provide them. so much easier. I highly recommend his courses.

Nena Rybarczyk, MA, EMBA, LPC, NCC, CPCS

Ray's workshop was one of the most informative I have taken in years. He brought clarity to took a topic which has been intimidating and I left feeling empowered!


Ray used great metaphors that made the technological information understandable no matter how much prior technological know-how participants had. He helped everyone feel comfortable in a group that contained multiple levels of experience with telemental health.


Dee Wagner