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2 Racial Trauma Management Training Courses

2 Racial Trauma Management Training Courses
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The weight of cultural barriers can make addressing racial trauma in marginalized communities feel overwhelming...

...leaving many therapists struggling to deliver the culturally competent care they so deeply want to provide.

As therapists, if we don’t provide the proper guidance, there’s a good chance that clients will experience lasting mental health struggles.

That’s why we’re excited to invite you to register for these comprehensive non-CE trainings that will empower you to provide effective care and confidently guide BIPOC clients through their healing journey using evidence-based approaches and telehealth adaptations tailored to their specific needs.

Racial & Cultural Diversity: Understanding Trauma and Intervention

Anti-Racist Telehealth Practices for Racial/Ethnic Trauma Healing


Ready to make a real difference for your BIPOC clients and community?

Join Dr. Ritchie Rubio and Dr. Sonja Sutherland, and you’ll get access to training on addressing racial trauma and stress within marginalized communities and promoting culturally responsive and trauma-informed care.

Don’t let telehealth be a barrier to culturally competent care.

Invest in your skills, empower your clients, and become a beacon of hope for those struggling with racial trauma.

Together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive future.





Your trusted partner in advancing teletherapy, 

Raymond Barrett

CEO and Founder 


PS: Have colleagues who share your passion for culturally competent care? Please share this email with them ....


Have any questions or comments? Contact us! 


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