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Integrative Therapies for a more engaging telehealth practice

Integrative Therapies for a more engaging telehealth practice
Logo for the Telehealth Certification Institute

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Ever feel like your online therapy sessions could use a little... spark? ⚡️ 

Many clinicians struggle to make their online sessions more interactive and keep clients engaged and motivated.

But here’s the thing – your sessions can be just as powerful and dynamic, even through a screen!

Integrative therapy is a powerful, evidence-based approach that allows you to incorporate engaging activities like online games and even the incredible power of the human-animal bond to create a more impactful experience for your clients.

To equip you with valuable tools to transform your telehealth practice...

... we’re offering you exclusive access to this expert-led training on integrative therapy, where you can gain insights into the practical application, ethical considerations, and therapeutic benefits of integrating animals and nature into your telemental health sessionsat $0.

Click the link for all details and to sign up

Thinking Outside the Screen: Integrative Therapies in Telemental Health

In this training, you’ll

  • Learn how to ethically introduce, choose, and incorporate integrative therapies such as Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI) and Ecotherapy into your online sessions
  • Discover how incorporating animals and nature into therapy sessions can help clients rebuild hope, confidence, and communication skills.
  • Explore the science behind integrative therapies, like animal-assisted therapy (AAT), and how they can improve outcomes for clients with conditions like PTSD and GAD.
  • Learn nature-based exercises that can reduce stress, improve mood, and deepen your clients’ connection to the world around them.
  • Get actionable tips on integrating these powerful tools into your online sessions seamlessly.
  • Discover ethical considerations when selecting and incorporating Integrative Therapy techniques, ensuring the utmost appropriateness for your clients’ needs.
  • Explore practical strategies for using online games, animal interactions (with proper training, of course!), and other engaging activities in your virtual sessions. ️
  • And more!

The best part?


If you enroll in this enriching course before the end of March, it’s on the house!

Click here for more details and enroll today!

This is your chance to enhance your telemental health practice and empower your clients in exciting new ways — don't miss it!

This course offer ends on March 31st, so register now and take your online therapy sessions to the next level!



Your trusted partner in advancing behavioral health care, 

Raymond Barrett

CEO and Founder 

P.S.: Share this email with your fellow clinicians who might benefit from this valuable learning experience. 


Have any questions or comments? Contact us! 


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TeleHealth Certification Institute

125 N. Main, Suite 500 #348

Blacksburg, VA 24060

Tel: 585-687-8837Fax: 585-577-7576

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