Telehealth Certification Institute

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Ratings, Reviews, and User Testimonials of Our CE Courses

I thoroughly enjoyed Keith Wilson and felt it was an informative course.
Deborah Emery
Great information provided at a time needed to implement telehealth services.
Althea Menard
Thank you for the no cost continuing education. The quality was excellent. The presenter was a subject matter expert who was understandable and thorough.
Felicia H.Prescott
This is an excellent training. It has a lot of good ideas and processes that will be helpful to incorporate in you work
Juanita Graham
The presentation on Substance Use Disorder Treatment for the Family and the Use of Telehealth delivered by Dr. Martina Moore was amazing. It was informative, the discussions of treatment and education regarding the overall approach is immediately applicable to my practice. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Joshua McCormick
I have been doing this work for over 20 years!..and I am always learning!
Emily LaBorde
Really insightful even though I am not yet a supervisor
Angela Davis

This course was very informative! I will be using this new information for when I begin my field work.

Alaina Marshall
This training was well organized and informative. Good discussion of the legal, ethical, and technological considerations for telemental health. I will incorporate this information into teaching and training for my behavioral health students and will consider the incorporation of this type of service delivery in my professional practice.
Dr. Terrilyn Hickman-Allen, LC.S.W.
This course enhanced my knowledge of the legal, ethical, and technical aspects of telemental health. It also informed me of the growth that occurring within this type of practice. I will be able to share this knowledge with my students and consider this as a form of practice.
Dr. Terrilyn Hickman-Allen, LC.S.W.
This course was well designed and informative. I look forward to continuing telehealth work with my clients.
Amory Whitcraft
It was a powerful training.
Ana Pereira-Murphy