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#1 most common occupational hazard for clinicians

#1 most common occupational hazard for clinicians
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If you've ever felt emotionally exhausted, numb, or disconnected from your work as a therapist... 

...but brushed it off as "part of the job,"

You may be at.risk for burnout and compassion fatigue - a common yet often unrecognized condition that affects those of us in the helping professions.

Left unaddressed, it can lead to burnout, anxiety, depression, and reduced effectiveness in your role.

That's why we're excited to invite you to join this complimentary online training course that will empower you to move beyond normalizing everyday stress...

...and instead recognize the deeper exhaustion of compassion fatigue as a genuine occupational hazard that requires attention and care.

This on-demand self-study course will equip you with the knowledge, tools, and practical strategies to identify and combat compassion fatigue and burnout, prioritize your well-being, and build a sustainable and fulfilling career in the helping professions... without sacrificing your passion for helping others.

And when you register today, your enrollment is.FREE!

Get the details & Register here

Use code SELFCARE100 at checkout.

Identifying and Treating Compassion Fatigue in Healthcare Professionals

Join Dr. Kristy Christopher-Holloway and three other experienced clinicians in this essential training today, and you will 

  • Learn to identify the causes, symptoms, and impacts of compassion fatigue and burnout on healthcare professionals
  • Discover effective strategies for managing stress to promote well-being and prevent burnout, and learn how to implement them.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of ethical guidelines related to self-care and ensure responsible professional conduct while prioritizing your own needs.
  • Learn the importance of seeking support from colleagues, mentors, and professional resources.
  • Discover ways to incorporate self-care principles into your practice to benefit both you and your clients.
  • And more!

By prioritizing your own well-being, you will be better equipped to provide empathetic and effective care for your clients, build stronger therapeutic relationships, and improve client outcomes.

More importantly, you will experience reduced stress, improved emotional well-being, and enhanced resilience to the challenges of working in healthcare.

Enroll today and start your journey toward a more resilient and fulfilling career.

Use code SELFCARE100 at checkout.

But act before May 3rd to enroll for.FREE.



Your trusted partner in advancing behavioral health care, 

Raymond Barrett

CEO and Founder 

PS: Know a friend or collegue who would be interested in this course? Please share this to spread the word ....


Have any questions or comments? Contact us! 


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CE Subscription Plan

TeleHealth Certification Institute

125 N. Main, Suite 500 #348

Blacksburg, VA 24060

Tel: 585-687-8837Fax: 585-577-7576

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