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Join over 300 of your colleagues in this introductory-live webinar

Join over 300 of your colleagues in this introductory-live webinar
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Free.registrations are still OPEN for our live introductory webinar on eating disorders treatment (happening on June 21st from 1 pm-2:30 pm Eastern) that...

...empowers therapists to be more proactive in recognizing and responding to potential eating disorders in clients...

...even if they don't specialize in treating them.

Learn more and register here

It's an interactive training that can make you a more informed therapist capable of providing more comprehensive and compassionate care to the diverse range of clients you serve - especially those struggling with eating disorders.

More importantly, you'll be able to identify disordered eating early and potentially save your clients from the devastating consequences of a full-blown eating disorder.

Register Now

Introduction to Eating Disorder Treatment

When you join Dr. Melanie Smith in this training, you will walk away with

  • a stronger knowledge base for recognizing the subtle signs and symptoms of disordered eating in your clients.
  • a foundational understanding of the biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors that contribute to eating disorders.
  • discover the impact of eating disorders on client's nutritional status and physical health.
  • learn the importance of collaborating with medical professionals and registered dietitians for effective treatment of eating disorders in your clients
  • And more!


Learn more and register now

This training is your chance to learn from an expert, gain valuable insights into eating disorder treatment, and improve the level of care you can provide to your clients.

Register today!



Your trusted partner in advancing behavioral health care, 

Raymond Barrett

CEO and Founder 

PS: Know a friend or collegue who would be interested in this course? Please share this to spread the word ....


Have any questions or comments? Contact us! 


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CE Subscription Plan

TeleHealth Certification Institute

125 N. Main, Suite 500 #348

Blacksburg, VA 24060

Tel: 585-687-8837Fax: 585-577-7576

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