Telehealth Certification Institute

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Ratings, Reviews, and User Testimonials of Our CE Courses

This training is imperative for counselors and other mental-health professionals. So grateful for it!
Marleen Garza
This course help to better understand boundaries on more that one levels, it also help me to view and respect the boundaries of others.
Laurel Newland
Very informative presentation. The presenters were very knowledgeable about the area of spececialization.
Patricia Cunningham

The content was rich with information that will be useful to you as a practitioner utilizing the Tele Mental Health platform. The facilitator was knowledgeable about the content.

Patricia Cunningham
Loved this training. I'm still working towards licensure, but I am currently in a doctoral program so I'm required to supervise students. This video was extremely helpful!
Lindsey Donald
The course on human tracking was very informative. Human Tracking takes many forms that may not be easily identified, so we must be vigilant and aware. As Counsellors we should be aware of the trauma these victims go through and try our best to help recover.
Petulla Prendergast
This course was very insightful and allowed me to understand more about helping victims of human trafficking
Sean Smyth
The information provided in this course was current and helpful.
Jeanette Riggleman
The course was informative and resources are helpful in my current position.
Anne Rauso
The information and resources provided were current and helpful. This course was very informative.
Anne Rauso
This course was very informative. The information and resources provided were current and helpful.
Jeanette Riggleman
The course was informative and comprehensive
Richard Beck