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Using Inventories and Feedback Measure to Support Supervision

Join us for a this Live Webinar in our Clinical Supervision Forum Series
July 19, 2024 from 1-2:30pm EDT
1.5 CE Credits available for behavioral health clinicians

Supervisees everywhere are asking for clear and detailed feedback on how they can improve their clinical skills. Accreditation programs and schools provide clarity on benchmarks and competencies, but supervisees want more. Supervisors can build supports within their supervision by utilizing inventories and feedback measures to help supervisees define their strengths and growing areas as well as create clearly defined goals and objectives. We all know supervision is more than just listening to them discuss their client cases.

Supervisors who are new to the industry or Supervisors who have been doing this for a while can benefit from learning about these inventories and feedback measures. Post-Pandemic Research has highlighted the changes in our industry, especially in the areas of support and feedback within supervision. As supervisors, we need to adapt to the new needs of our supervisees. In this course, you will develop some new understanding of the Inventories and Feedback Measures, some creative ways to introduce these to your supervisees, and some clarity in understanding what to look for when adding inventories and feedback measures to your supervision practice.

Learning Objectives

Registration for "Using Inventories and Feedback Measure to Support Supervision" can be made by one of two methods:
1) Enroll in the single live event for FREE
2) Enroll in the Clinical Supervision Forum series for FREE and receive access to this webinar and other live webinars in the series. Each event offers 1.5 CE credits for those who attend fully and complete course requirements.

CE Credits
How to Attend the Webinar
Dr. Tara Sanderson headshot

Dr. Tara Sanderson

Dr. Sanderson is a Licensed Psychologist in Oregon, owner of a group practice, a Clinical supervisor for Residents and Associates, an entrepreneur, course creator, podcaster and an author.
As a clinician, Dr. Sanderson loves working with and talking about Anxiety, OCD, Perfectionism and burnout. As a trainer and supervisor Dr. Sanderson's heart lies in training up and empowering interns and pre-licensed folks. She teaches courses in how to start a private practice, and how to have interns in your practice and more!