Virtual counselors provide an array of online therapy options that include couples counseling, online marriage counseling, and online Christian counseling, to name just a few. Online therapists use a variety of mediums to communicate and "meet" with clients, providing the same standard of care as a traditional practice.
For example, Jane, a stay-at-home mom, struggled to find time to see a counselor. She found an online psychologist and received online counseling from the privacy of her home office. She was able to interact with her virtual counselor through video, phone, and text. The convenience of online therapy allowed Jane to remain in therapy longer, resulting in her reaching her goals.
Are you looking for a virtual counselor but not sure where to begin? Visit here and you will find psychotherapists listed by their specialties, types of sessions available, methods of communicating, etc.
Location is no longer a barrier when you are seeking the best counselor to meet your needs. And, the ability to talk to a therapist online from any location opens up a vast network of people who can help!
The course was so informative and I was glued to my screen for the entire duration. I received so much knowledge concerning ethics in telehealth and I am greatly encouraged to read about all the standards and policies that pertain to my practice. Thank you!.