Courses and Products

Compassion Fatigue in Education

Compassion Fatigue in Education course
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$20.00$10.00 each

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Format: Online Self-Study
CE Hours: 0
Included: Downloadable e-book of course slides, a downloadable certificate of completion, and course video(s).


This course does not offer CE Credits. The same course is available for purchase and offers 1 CE hour for behavioral health clinicians.  See "related products" below.

Identify what it means to be “trauma -informed” and how to maintain a trauma-informed perspective. Identify signs of trauma in students as well as how traumatic events effect school performance.  Secondary Stress and Compassion Fatigue are also discussed and techniques in self-care and for coping with compassion fatigue are demonstrated.

Learning Objectives:

  • List the 7 presuppositions of trauma
  • Define and identify compassion fatigue (CF) and secondary traumatic stress (STS)
  • Identify ways to reduce or eliminate CF and STS

This non-interactive self-study course is a recording of a live webinar presented to DeKalb County (GA) educators by Dr. Vanessa Snyder.

Instruction consists of 1 hour of video instruction and a course evaluation.

Course Availability

From the time of registration, you have six months to access the coursework.


Dr. Vanessa Snyder, PhD, LMFT is the Vice President of the Richmont Institute for Trauma & Recovery and is an Assistant Professor Richmont Graduate University. She spearheaded the launch of the Richmont Trauma Center and now directs all clinical services. She is a practicing Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Licensed Professional Counselor. She is also an AAMFT Approved Supervisor, Approved Clinical Supervisor, Certified Sex Therapist, Certified Master Traumatologist, and Certified Anger Management Specialist. Clinically, she specializes in treatment of trauma, complex trauma, and dissociative disorders. Her areas of research include program evaluation and treatment in human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation; dissociative disorders and spirituality, adverse childhood experiences effects in treatment, and compassion fatigue & burnout, organizational trauma. 
Experience: Snyder, V. (March 2020). Traumatized Clients, the Drama Triangle, and the Person of the Therapist: A Backwards Journey Through Organizational Trauma.
Presented at the Christian Association of Psychological Studies (CAPS). Atlanta, GA.
Rosenau, D. & Snyder, V. (March, 2020). Restoring Sexual Intimacy after Trauma. Presented at the Christian Association of Psychological Studies (CAPS). Atlanta, GA.
Snyder, V. (April, 2020). Treating Traumatized Families. Green Cross Certification Workshop; Presented for Richmont Institute of Trauma & Recovery, Atlanta, GA.

CE Hours

This course does not offer CE credits, just great content.

The same course is available for purchase and offers 1 CE hour for behavioral health clinicians. See "related products" below.

Participants may request a printed version of their certificate of attendance to be delivered by mail. A shipping/handling fee of $6.95 will be charged per request. Shipping internationally may require an additional charge.

This is a non-interactive, self-study course.

How to Complete the Course and Earn Your Certificate

To receive your certificate of attendance you must complete the course in its entirety.

To complete a Training Video Course, one must register, log in, select the My Courses option from the menu items, click the Course Title, attend to the video content, and complete the course evaluation, then claim the certificate of attendance.

You can download or print your certificate of completion by logging into your account, navigating to the course by selecting the My Courses option from the menu items, clicking the Course Title, scrolling to the Certificate of Completion section, and clicking on the Certificate of Completion link to either download it or print it.

Participants may request a printed version of their certificate of completion to be delivered by mail. A shipping/handling fee of $6.95 will be charged per request. Shipping internationally may require an additional charge.

Directions for completing a course can be found by clicking here.

Course Policies

Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities

Click here to view our Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities.

This course includes closed captioning.

Cancellation Policy

Refunds are offered within the first 30 days for courses which have not been completed. There is a 10% service fee for refunds.

Grievance Policy

Click here to view our Grievance Policy.


Click here to communicate with a knowledgeable staff member regarding subject matter guidance, correction, grading, comments, or problem resolution.

Who should attend

This course is intended for educators and clinicians who provide behavioral health services.

Teaching Methods

This is a non-interactive self-study course. Teaching methods for this course include recorded lectures, videos, and a course evaluation.

This course was recorded 8/6/2020

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