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Utilizing Telehealth in Identifying and Resourcing Trafficking Victims

Utilizing Telehealth in Identifying and Trafficking Victims course
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$20.00 each

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Format: Online Self-Study
CE Hours: 1
Topics: Specialties
Included: Downloadable e-book of course slides, a downloadable certificate of completion, and course video(s).


Commercial sexual exploitation (also known as sex trafficking) impacts minors and adults of all genders, many of whom are unaware they are victims or that help is available.

This recorded webinar offers 1 CE credit for behavioral health professionals. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize and identify victims of sexual exploitation in a virtual setting
  • Identify and locate resources for victims of sexual exploitation

This is a non-interactive self-study course

Instruction consists of 1 hour of video instruction and a post-test.

Course Availability

From the time of registration, you have six months to access the coursework.



We were pleased to bring together experts in the field of commercial sexual exploitation to help caregivers in identifying and finding resources for victims.

Alia El-Sawi currently serves as the Victim Assistance Specialist for Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). She has worked on human trafficking cases for 15 years. Alia’s area of responsibility includes all of Georgia and Alabama (and she formerly covered North and South Carolina). In this capacity, she designs and provides educational training and outreach to law enforcement, attorneys, mainstream service providers, and community-based organizations on human trafficking and child exploitation. Additionally, she is involved in conducting victim interviews and completing a portion of the immigration documents and relief available to human trafficking survivors. Alia works to establish collaborative relationships locally, statewide, and nationally. Prior to her work with Homeland Security, Alia worked for a non-profit, Tapestri, and served as the Anti-Human Trafficking Program Coordinator. In her past position, she provided trainings, outreach, and direct services/case management to foreign-born survivors of human trafficking. Alia also worked on cases that involved immigrant and refugee survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and rape. She also served as the Chair of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Rescue & Restore Board for 3 years and served as the Freedom Network’s Social Service Committee Chair for 3 years. Alia is experienced in public speaking and has made many presentations for the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, Department of State, Department of Labor, and Department of Health and Human Services. She has also presented in other local, state, national, and international events and conferences. El-Sawi has traveled overseas to train foreign governments on human trafficking in Chile, Peru, Brazil, Hong Kong, Macau, Vietnam, and Budapest, Hungary. Alia has received several awards and recognition for her work within human trafficking: Georgia Trend’s Top 40 Under 40; ISB’s Top 40 Under 40; Atlanta Young Government Leaders Award; Immigration and Custom’s Enforcement Director’s Award; U.S. Attorney’s Award for the Northern District of Georgia; Special Agent in Charge Atlanta’s Patrick Wilhelm Award; and Mercer University’s Mary Ann Drake Award Combatting Human Trafficking. Alia speaks Arabic, French, Spanish, and conversational Portuguese; she has Bachelor's degrees from Mercer University in International Affairs and another in French. Additionally, Alia has her Master's degree from Boston University in Criminal Justice with a focus in Victimology.

Mel Meyer is the Director of Atlanta Dream Center’s Anti-Sex Trafficking Department, referred to as Out of Darkness. Through years of working as a program director for at-risk youth programs and juvenile justice educational programs, Mel became aware of the impact of commercial sexual exploitation in the United States. Mel completed her Master’s Degree in Nonprofit Administration, developed awareness material with Not For Sale GA, and then she joined the Atlanta Dream Center team, where she served has the Director of Residential Services for 5 years. In this role, she worked in direct-care services, developed promising practices for crisis care and directed the crisis safe homes and staff. As of January 2018, Mel is now the Director of all programming in the Anti-Sex Trafficking Department. She has served on the Georgia Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force for 3 years, and currently chairs a work group focused on initiatives for adult domestic victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation.

Dr. Vanessa Snyder is the Vice President of the Richmont Institute for Trauma & Recovery and is an Assistant Professor Richmont Graduate University. She spearheaded the launch of the Richmont Trauma Center and now directs all clinical services. She is a practicing Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Licensed Professional Counselor. She is also an AAMFT Approved Supervisor, Approved Clinical Supervisor, Certified Sex Therapist, Certified Master Traumatologist, and Certified Anger Management Specialist. Clinically, she specializes in treatment of trauma, complex trauma, and dissociative disorders. Her areas of research include program evaluation and treatment in human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation; dissociative disorders and spirituality, adverse childhood experiences effects in treatment, and compassion fatigue & burnout, organizational trauma. 

Experience: Snyder, V. (March 2020). Traumatized Clients, the Drama Triangle, and the Person of the Therapist: A Backwards Journey Through Organizational Trauma.
Presented at the Christian Association of Psychological Studies (CAPS). Atlanta, GA.
Rosenau, D. & Snyder, V. (March, 2020). Restoring Sexual Intimacy after Trauma. Presented at the Christian Association of Psychological Studies (CAPS). Atlanta, GA.
Snyder, V. (April, 2020). Treating Traumatized Families. Green Cross Certification Workshop; Presented for Richmont Institute of Trauma & Recovery, Atlanta, GA.

CE Credits

Credit Hours: This course consists of 1 continuing education hour of credit.

Counselors: Telehealth Certification Institute, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No, 6693.  Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified.  Telehealth Certification Institute, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. 

Telehealth Certification Institute, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Mental Health Counselors. #MHC-0048.

Marriage and Family Therapists: Many MFT licensing boards accept our courses or one of the approvals which we have from professional associations.  You can check with your board to determine if your licensing board would accept this course.

Social Workers: Telehealth Certification Institute LLC, #1609, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 05/02/2024 – 05/02/2027. Social workers completing this course receive 1 clinical continuing education credit.

Telehealth Certification Institute, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Social Workers #SW-0435.

Addiction Professionals: This course has been approved by Telehealth Certification Institute LLC, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for educational credits, effective 2/23/2021. NAADAC Provider #193104, Telehealth Certification Institute LLC is responsible for all aspects of the programming.

Psychologists: Telehealth Certification Institute LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Telehealth Certification Institute LLC maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Telehealth Certification Institute, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Psychologists #PSY-0128.

Art Therapists: Telehealth Certification Institute, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Creative Arts Therapists #CAT-0093.

Other Professionals: This course qualifies for 60 minutes of instructional content as required by many national, state and local licensing boards and professional organizations.  Retain your certificate of completion and contact your board or organization for specific filing requirements.

How to Complete the Course and Earn Your Certificate

To receive your certificate of completion you must complete the course in its entirety.

To complete an Online Self Study Course, one must register, log in, select the My Courses option from the menu items, click the Course Title, complete all of the modules, complete and pass the post-test(s), and complete the course evaluation.

A grade of at least 80% or more is required to pass the post-test. Retaking the post-test is possible until the participant is able to pass the test.

Psychologists and other professionals seeking CE credit through our approval with the American Psychological Association are asked but not required to complete the course evaluation before obtaining their certificate of completion, however passing a post-test for online self-study courses, and submitting one's attendance for live on-site and live webinars is required.

You can download or print your certificate of completion by logging into your account, navigating to the course by selecting the My Courses option from the menu items, clicking the Course Title, scrolling to the Certificate of Completion section, and clicking on the Certificate of Completion link to either download it or print it.

Participants may request a printed version of their certificate of completion to be delivered by mail. A shipping/handling fee of $6.95 will be charged per request. Shipping internationally may require an additional charge.

Directions for completing a course can be found by clicking here.

Course Policies

Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities

Click here to view our Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities.

Cancellation Policy

Refunds are offered within the first 30 days for courses which have not been completed. There is a 10% service fee for refunds.

Grievance Policy

Click here to view our Grievance Policy. 


Click here to communicate with a knowledgeable staff member regarding subject matter guidance, correction, grading, comments, or problem resolution.

Who should attend

Any healthcare provider

Teaching methods

This is a non-interactive self-study course. Teaching methods for this course includes recorded lectures, videos, a post-test, and a course evaluation.

This course was recorded 9/18/2020 

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