Telehealth Certification Institute

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Ratings, Reviews, and User Testimonials of Our CE Courses

The course was very informative and well structured. Excellent opportunity to partake in!
Andrea Davis
Great information! Very valuable information as it relates to best practices and legal ramifications and practice in telehealth.
Monica Jones
I really learned a great deal about telehealth and the law and best practices. Great info!
Monica Jones
I completed this course and found it helpful
Samantha Behrens
This was a great course with so much information.
Aaron Charles
Very very good!
Angela Webb, Psy.D.
The webinar on Telehealth Culturally Competent Supervision by Dr. Sonja Sutherland was absolutely captivating, organized, thought provoking and very interactive while on Zoom. Very informative and helpful discussions to help apply what we have learned in practice to apply and improve the profession and growth for our supervisee's.
Elba Figueroa
This was one of the best supervision webinars I have attended this year!
Deborah Bilzing

This was one of the best supervision webinars I have attended this year!

Deborah Bilzing
Great training with a knowledgeable speaker
Haley Alsaffar
Very good presentation. I learned alot about biases and how to handle them when they arise during supervision.
Afeion Morris, LCSW
Great presentation and discussion. Provided opportunities for reflection and exploration. Thanks for making this entire series available to the clinical community.
Patricia Maynard