Telehealth Certification Institute

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Ratings, Reviews, and User Testimonials of Our CE Courses

This was a useful and productive training which allowed me to have a more comprehensive understanding of telemental health services.
Lora Verley
Good information regarding teletherapy.
Kristie Bohn
Certificate course is great for new and established practitioner who want to provide telemental health services appropriately and ethically.
Louise Emanuel
This was an awesome and informative learning experience. I believe that I gained all of the information I needed to successfully deliver teletherapy. Ray is so knowledgeable and will be my go-to resource for all things telehealth.
Denise G.
Wonderful free training. Helpful discussion on how to aid clients in breaking out of the negative thought trap.
Jaime Wright
Many thanks for allowing free access to this day of training. Many great interventions to use with my clients. I especially liked the 5 competencies to manage stress.
Jaime Wright
Content and delivery were phenomenal. This is one of the best presentations I've seen in a long time.
Stacy Gatz
It was a great presentation. I learn a lot and would participate in another telehealth conference
Naneth Ruiz LCMHC, NCC, BC-TMH
Dr. Sartor was extremely well prepared, his talk was organized and informational, and he provided a tremendous amount of very usable information in a very short period of time. I'll look forward to a longer workshop presented by him.
Vicki Loyer
Very exciting and informative course
Afeion Morris, LCSW
The relevance of anxiety and panic in post-COVID practice was excellent for the pre Summit Training. Kudos to the presenter; many thanks for a Job well done! Much appreciation for helping me brush off my skills and improve my effectiveness with clients! I also appreciate the dose of encouragement after a year in the trenches.
Dawn Echols
Outstanding webinar. Dr.Wehrenberg's material on addressing anxiety during the pandemic was clear and cogent - I'll be using the ideas and methods she outlined with clients right away. The webinar worked perfectly and the organizers were helpful and responsive. Highly recommended!
Dr. Laura Forsyth